1 min read

Podcast: New Drilled Season on the Gas Industry

Welcome to a new season of Drilled! This is part 2 of our season on the gas industry. In part 1 we looked at how the fracking boom fueled the plastics boom. This time we're taking a look at how the industry has adjusted to its new role as a climate villain.

Ep 1 zooms in on the gas vs electric fight in one California town. In April 2020 when San Luis Obispo announced a plan to become the first city in Southern California to ban gas in new buildings, the region's utility SoCal Gas—the largest gas utility in the country--sprung into action, threatening among other things to bus in large numbers of protestors to crowd the town and city hall, refusing to mask or social distance just as the pandemic was taking hold in the U.S.

For more on this story, and on SoCal Gas in general, be sure to check out Sammy Roth's ongoing reporting at The Los Angeles Times!

New Climate Villains Ep1

More on the IPCC report coming at you in a few hours too!