Why Climate Deniers Are Attacking Epidemiologists (Because They Always Have)
I keep seeing this thing on social media where climate scientists will say something like “dear epidemiologists, we totally understand
Your Support at Work! Rep Raskin to Congress: Keep Liability Loopholes Out of COVID-19 Packages
The climate crisis isn’t letting up just because the economy is slowing down, and neither is the fossil fuel
Planet of the Ecofascists
Did I want to spend two precious hours of work time watching a badly produced film narrated in monotone? No,
The Reason COVID-19 and Climate Seem So Similar: Disinformation
For a long time, the story went that the tobacco industry cooked up disinformation and then spread it to the
Leaked Document: Industry Pushing Liability Waiver Under Cover of COVID-19
We'll have more on this story as it develops, but according to a document leaked to Drilled News,
Personal Essay: Climate Denial by Another Name
By Mary Annaïse Heglar
I recently found myself in a room full of climate writers and scientists. Many
of us