Drilled Down

Deep dives on climate accountability
COP28 and the Limits of Eco Modernism

COP28 and the Limits of Eco Modernism

Lately I've been looking through old emails from when I reported a lot on cleantech. It's
10 min read
Happy Earth Day: Let's Move Past the "Moral Case" for Fossil Fuels

Happy Earth Day: Let's Move Past the "Moral Case" for Fossil Fuels

When global leaders first began meeting to discuss an international effort on climate change, fossil fuel companies and right wing
14 min read
Gas Knew, Too + Everything You Need to Know on Climate This Week

Gas Knew, Too + Everything You Need to Know on Climate This Week

As the whole gas stove "culture war" rages on, it's important to remember that gas companies
6 min read
Highlights from the House Oversight Committee's Climate Disinformation Documents

Highlights from the House Oversight Committee's Climate Disinformation Documents

This fall the House Oversight Committee held its third hearing on climate disinformation. You can read more about the hearing
12 min read
Drilled Down: Old School Climate Denial Is Back

Drilled Down: Old School Climate Denial Is Back

Two things the media and much of the climate movement tends to dismiss as long past—old-school climate denial and the coal lobby—are still around and having a bit of a renaissance.
13 min read
Drilled Down: If More Climate Coverage = More Fossil Ads, Keep It

Drilled Down: If More Climate Coverage = More Fossil Ads, Keep It

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I can be a bit ranty on there. It's where
4 min read
Drilled Down: Industry Message Consistency

Drilled Down: Industry Message Consistency

There were three Congressional hearings on climate disinformation last week, and these same 12 pro-fossil-fuel talking points made their way
277 min read
Drilled Down: Three Congressional Hearings on Climate Disinfo Bring New Industry Documents to Light

Drilled Down: Three Congressional Hearings on Climate Disinfo Bring New Industry Documents to Light

PR firms are paid to engage in unethical tactics that intimidate and silence Americans who are exercising their rights to
9 min read
Drilled Down: Yes, The New York Times Really IS Shilling for Big Oil

Drilled Down: Yes, The New York Times Really IS Shilling for Big Oil

I wish Reps Raskin and Porter had not scheduled hearings at the same time today, but the fact that they&
3 min read
Drilled Down: Roots of ESG, Anti-"Woke" Capital, and the New Battle in Climate Obstructionism

Drilled Down: Roots of ESG, Anti-"Woke" Capital, and the New Battle in Climate Obstructionism

Republican state treasurers are coming together to oppose climate disclosures in finance. It's the latest battle in a decades-long war.
27 min read