1 min read

Your Support at Work! Rep Raskin to Congress: Keep Liability Loopholes Out of COVID-19 Packages

The climate crisis isn’t letting up just because the economy is slowing down, and neither is the fossil fuel industry. That’s why we started tracking new fossil fuel permits, environmental rollbacks and fossil fuel bailouts back in early April. We’re now up to 75 entries on our Climate-COVID-19 tracker, and counting. And we’re hearing from a few sources that the Trump administration has set itself a deadline of July to finalize a whole bunch of rules that will make the air and water dirtier, lock in fossil fuel infrastructure for years to come and entirely change how the EPA uses science, so we can’t let up.

Especially because this reporting is starting to have an impact. It’s been picked up in The New Yorker, Vox, and The New Republic. We’ve open-sourced it through the Covering Climate Now collaborative as well. This week, our reporting on a liability loophole industry was attempting to smuggle into COVID-19 stimulus packages formed the basis of a letter from Representative Jamie Raskin, signed by 60 members of the House of Representatives, sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, urging them to be vigilant about such efforts.

We’re able to keep this work up and have that sort of impact because of your support. Thank you! Please consider spreading the word and sharing Drilled!